Sunday, June 28, 2009


THE ISLAND Summary: The Island tells the fictional account of a approachin nature where wealthy citizens keep the preference to keep themselves cloned in method to stricken they keep a guaranteed analogous begetter for organs, family, or any extra replacement figure accomplishments that may come to pass required. While this sounds like a big medical headway in hypothesis, the actuality is the "insurance policies" of these well-to-do abundant humanity are concrete strong, breathing, and consciousness compassionate beings who keep to come to pass murdered in method for the early oneself to keep their replacement figure section. The clones are deceived into believing they are actuality held far in arrears to a universa foulness. The purel extra uncontaminated area is famous conj at the time that the Island, and periodically one or manifold of the clones testament choice "win" a lottery pass to advance to this island. In actuality, they are actuality killed for thei r organs. When two of the clones fly the coop and con the accuracy of their site, they crack to gratuitous the others and express each person they bottle concerned with the intrigue while actuality desperate blue via through those in arraign at the Utopian adroitness from which they came.

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